LMS Honorary Members 2019

The London Mathematical Society has elected the following people to Honorary Membership of the Society in 2019:

Professor Edward Witten, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, USA

Professor Don Zagier, Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Bonn, Germany

The brief citations read:

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Standing Orders Revision Update

Following the consultation with the membership, further discussion by Council, and legal advice, the latest version of the revised Standing Orders has received preliminary approval from the Privy Council. The document, which can be found here, was presented at the General Meeting on June 28th and prepared for a final vote at the AGM on November 29th. (Note the later date than usual.)


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LMS Members Honoured

The London Mathematical Society (LMS) would like extend its warmest congratulations to LMS members Professor Ken Brown, Professor Peter Donnelly and Peter Ransom on the honours they received in the 2019 Queen’s Birthday Honours List. Others to be honoured include mathematicians Professor Duncan Lawson and Dr Diane Crann, and statistician Professor Sylvia Richardson.

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Arrest of Mathematician Tuna Altinel

The LMS is deeply concerned about the arrest in Turkey on 11 May 2019 of Tuna Altinel, a Turkish mathematician  working for many years in the Université Lyon 1 in France. Professor Altinel was one of the signatories in 2016 of a petition supported by more than 2000 scientists and intellectuals against military actions towards civilians, and took part in a legitimate public meeting in France in February 2019 on the same topic. 

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Nevanlinna and Abacus Prizes

Since 1982 the IMU has awarded the Rolf Nevanlinna Prize at each ICM  for outstanding contributions in Mathematical Aspects of Information Sciences.

In 2018, the IMU Executive Committee took the decision  to discontinue this prize because of historical issues arising from its name.

It was decided at the IMU General Assembly 2018  to set up a new prize with similar scope.  It will be called the  IMU Abacus Medal and will be awarded at each ICM, starting in 2022. The award will consist of a gold medal, a cash award of EUR 10,000, and a diploma.

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