European Mathematical Society Prizes 2020

The London Mathematical Society (LMS) would like to congratulate the winners of this year’s European Mathematical Society (EMS) Prizes. The 2020 winners include two LMS Whitehead Prizewinners: Professor  Jack Thorne FRS (University of Cambridge and also Dr Ana Caraiani (Imperial College London).

The prize is awarded to ‘young researchers under 35 years of age of European nationality or working in Europe in recognition of excellent contributions in mathematics’. The complete list of winners is: 

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LMS 2017 Whitehead Prize winner among new Fellows of the Royal Society

The Royal Society has released details of its newly-appointed Fellows, among whom were LMS 2017 Whitehead Prize winner Jack Thorne (University of Cambridge), Professor Ehud Hrushovski (University of Oxford) and Professor Andrew Stuart (California Institute of Technology). Others elected included computer scientist Professor David Harel (Weizmann Institute of Science) and Professor Hugh Osborn (University of Cambridge). Professor Wendelin Werner (ETH Zurich) was elected a Foreign Member.

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First woman appointed Gresham Professor of Geometry

The London Mathematical Society (LMS) is delighted to learn that Society member Sarah Hart has been appointed Gresham Professor of Geometry. The position is thought to be the oldest mathematical chair in Britain and Professor Hart is the first woman to be appointed in its 423-year history. Many distinguished mathematicians have held the position previously including Henry Briggs, Robert Hooke, Karl Pearson, Sir Roger Penrose, and John D Barrow.

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