Location Details
The London Mathematical Society | |
De Morgan House Registered Charity: 252660
Staff list | Who to contact | Council List
The Society office is open from 9.00am to 5.00pm, Monday to Friday, with core office hours between 10.00am and 4.00pm.
Website Issues
Please report any page errors, amendments or broken links to the Operational Webmaster, who will acknowledge your request.
Email addresses are all in the format of firstname.lastname@lms.ac.uk, unless indicated otherwise.
Simon Edwards
Executive Secretary (CEO) 020 7291 9979 simon.edwards(at)lms.ac.uk |
Clare Ralphs *
PA to Executive Secretary
020 7291 9979 clare.ralphs(at)lms.ac.uk |
Jennifer Gunn
Head of Society Business 020 7927 0803 jennifer.gunn(at)lms.ac.uk |
Andrew Dorward
Head of Conferences & Buildings 020 7927 0800 andrew.dorward(at)lms.ac.uk |
Ephrem B. Abate
Head of Accounting & Finance 020 7291 9972 Fax 020 7323 3656 ephrem.abate(at)lms.ac.uk |
Simon Buckmaster
Head of Academic Publications
020 7612 7371
Dr Ola Törnkvist
Publisher 020 7291 9975 ola.tornkvist(at)lms.ac.uk |
Anna Agathopoulou
Publishing Coordinator
020 7927 0802
anna.agathopoulou(at)lms.ac.uk |
Katherine Wright
Communications & Policy Manager 020 7927 0801 katherine.wright(at)lms.ac.uk |
Kieran O'Connor
Events Coordinator
020 7927 0809
Elizabeth Fisher
Membership & Grants Manager (currently on maternity leave)
Nicola Goldie |
Lucy Covington
Grants Administrator
020 7927 0807
lucy.covington(at)lms.ac.uk |
Valeriya Kolesnykova
Accounts Assistant/ Membership & Fellowship Assistant
020 7927 0808
valeriya.kolesnykova(at)lms.ac.uk |
Lesley Campbell *
Society Governance Officer 020 7927 0809 lesley.campbell(at)lms.ac.uk
Janet Foster * Archivist archivist@lms.ac.uk |
* indicates part-time member of staff
Who to contact
Enquiry | Contacts | Telephone (all start 020) |
Accounts |
Ephrem B. Abate |
7291 9972 |
Archives |
Janet Foster |
7637 3686 |
Council (nominations for election) |
simon.edwards(at)lms.ac.uk |
Simon Edwards |
7291 9979 |
Grants |
Research Grant Schemes 1-6 and Bath Symposia |
Lucy Covington |
7927 0807 |
Computer Science Grants (Scheme 7) |
Katherine Wright |
7927 0801 |
Early Career Grant Schemes 8-9 and Travel Grants |
ecr.grants@lms.ac.uk |
Lucy Covington |
7927 0807 |
Undergraduate Research Bursaries |
Lucy Covington |
7927 0807 |
Education Grants |
Katherine Wright |
7927 0801 |
Committee for Women and Diversity in Mathematics Grants |
Katherine Wright |
7927 0801 |
Katherine Wright |
7927 0801 |
Fellowships (Atiyah Fellowships, Early Career Fellowships and Cecil King Travel Scholarships) |
fellowships@lms.ac.uk |
Valeriya Kolesnykova Nicola Goldie |
7927 0808 (Monday - Tuesday) 7291 9973 (Wednesday - Friday) |
Society Meetings |
lmsmeetings@lms.ac.uk |
Kieran O'Connor |
7927 0809 |
Lectureships (Hardy, Forder/Aitken) |
lmsmeetings@lms.ac.uk | Kieran O'Connor Events Coordinator |
7927 0809 |
Library (general information) |
librarian@lms.ac.uk |
Anna Agathopoulou |
7927 0802 |
Catalogue enquiries (for LMS members only) |
lmsinf@ucl.ac.uk |
7679 2558 |
Admissions | lib-membership@ucl.ac.uk |
7679 7953 |
Loan & photocopy requests | interloans@ucl.ac.uk |
7679 7754 |
Book renewals/ Catalogue access |
http://library.ucl.ac.uk | 7679 7754 | |
LMS Research Schools | research.schools@lms.ac.uk |
Lucy Covington |
7927 0807 |
LMS Undergraduate Summer Schools Membership | lmssummerschool@lms.ac.uk |
Lucy Covington |
7927 0807 |
Mathematics Directory | msdirectory@lms.ac.uk |
Membership | membership@lms.ac.uk |
Valeriya Kolesnykova Nicola Goldie |
7927 0808 (Monday - Tuesday) 7291 9973 (Wednesday - Friday) |
Newsletter | newsletter@lms.ac.uk |
Anna Agathopoulou |
7927 0802 |
Prizes | prizes@lms.ac.uk |
Katherine Wright |
7927 0809 |
Press & Media Enquiries | katherine.wright@lms.ac.uk |
Katherine Wright |
7927 0801 |
Publications (Books and Journals) |
Contact LMS Publications | ||
Room Hire and Conference Facilities | Please see conferences website |
7637 3686 |
Website | webmaster@lms.ac.uk |
Social media |
Katherine Wright Kieran O'Connor |