The Computer Science Committee advises Council on all matters relating to the development of links between mathematics and computer science and undertakes further tasks as required or approved by Council.
Terms of Reference
- To inform the membership of the LMS on items of general interest involving both mathematics and computer science;
- To promote publications and meetings which keep mathematicians and computer scientists informed of developments of mutual interest in research and in education; and
- promoting in industry, in commerce, and in the scientific civil service an appreciation of the inter-relations between mathematics and computing
The full terms of reference can be downloaded here.
The Committee is responsible for organising the annual LMS/BCS-FACS evening seminar and Computer Science Colloquium.
S. Zivny (Chair), A. Beckmann, S. Bhattacharya, L. Ciobanu Radomirovic, M. Cryan, O. Dardha, P. Ashwin (LMS Council), J. Davenport (IMA), B. Martin (BCTCS Organising Committee), A. Popescu (BCS/FACS).
Dates of meetings
The Committee meets twice annually, once in March/April and once in October/November.
Useful links