Committee for Women and Diversity in Mathematics

The purpose of this Committee is to promote the objectives of the Society in as far as they concern gender and broader diversity practices. 

Terms of Reference

The Committee's full Terms of Reference are available here.


S. Lombardo (Chair, ex officio as Member-at-Large of Council (Women and Diversity)), L. Bandara, C. Garetto, I. Gordon (ex officio as Vice-President), L. Hakim, H. Haughton (IMA rep), H. Herrera (ORS rep), T. Kelly, A. Lecuona, L. Rila, K. Severn (RSS rep), M. Sommacal.  

Dates of Meetings

The committee meets twice annually, once in February/March and once in September/October.


The Committee operates several grants schemes: 

Caring Supplementary Grants 
Emmy Noether Fellowships
Grace Chisholm Young Fellowships


Events supported by the Committee include the annual Mary Cartwright Lecture and Good Practice Scheme Workshops throughout the year. 

The Committee also provides funding for external events via its Inclusion and Diversity Fund.

LMS Caring Costs Policy 

The LMS wishes to enable carers and parents to take part in the activities that it supports. Applicants for grants across Schemes 1-9, for Early Career Research activities or who will run Society Meetings can request funding to help mathematicians with caring or parenting responsibilities to participate in their activities. In addition, individuals requiring support for caring to attend conferences, workshops, research schools and meetings or to make research visits - not necessarily organised by LMS - can apply for a Caring Supplementary Grant (see link above) to contribute to such costs.  

The Policy is available here.

Good Practice Scheme

The London Mathematical Society strongly supports advancing women's careers in university mathematics departments. The Society's Committee for Women and Diversity in Mathematics has developed a Good Practice Scheme with the aim of supporting mathematics departments to embed equal opportunities for women within their working practices. Find out more information here.

Success Stories

What does it mean to be a successful mathematician? What is involved in a successful mathematical career? Find out here.

History of the Committee

Past LMS President, Professor Caroline Series, FRS has written an interesting article about the history and activities of the London Mathematical Society's Women in Mathematics Committee (LMS WiMC) and the British Women in Maths Days (BWM Days) which preceded it. The article is available here.