LMS General Meeting and Hardy Lecture 2025

De Morgan House, London and online via Zoom
Start date
Meeting Date
LMS Hardy Lecturer 2025: Emily Riehl (Johns Hopkins University) plus supporting lecture

LMS General Meeting and Hardy Lecture 2025

The LMS Hardy Lectureship is named after G.H. Hardy, former President of the Society and De Morgan Medallist. Originally awarded to a distinguished overseas mathematician in odd-numbered years.

The lectures are aimed at a general mathematical audience. All interested, whether LMS members or not, are most welcome to attend this event.

Programme (all timings are in BST)


Registration and refreshments


Opening of the meeting and LMS Business (open to all)


Clark Barwick (University of Edinburgh)

Title TBC

16:45 BREAK

Emily Riehl (Johns Hopkins University)

LMS Hardy Lecture 2025

Title: Could ∞-category theory be taught to undergraduates or to a computer?
Abstract: While the last decades have seen considerable advances in our understanding of ∞-category theory, experts in the field have not yet solved the problem that confronts users of the theory: namely how to develop proficiency with this technology on a compressed time scale. Put more pithily, will we ever be able to distill ∞-category down to the point that it could be taught to undergraduates, much like ordinary 1-category theory is sometimes taught today? And will proofs that deploy ∞-categorical technology ever become formalizable, verifiable by a computer proof assistant? After considering the role that category theory and ∞-category theory plays in 20th and 21st century mathematics, we describe a radical potential solution to these problems: to change the foundation system. We argue that deploying a bespoke synthetic formal system for a particular kind of mathematical object --- ∞-categories in this instance --- is a promising tactic to simplifying definitions and proofs, without sacrificing rigor.

18:15 Reception
19:30 Society Dinner

Please note that speakers and timings are subject to change.


The building currently has stepped access only to the raised ground floor and lower ground floor entrances

An accessible toilet is located at lower ground floor level.

Please see the LMS website for further details on accessibility
