Early Career Research Committee

The Committee is responsible for awarding grants to early career researchers and providing financial support for events aimed at early career researchers.  In particular, the Committee is responsible for disbursing grants for the support of scientific meetings for early career researchers, under such general terms and conditions as Council shall approve and disbursing grants for the support of visits by early career mathematicians to institutions other than their own under such schemes as Council shall approve.

Terms of Reference

The Committee's full terms of reference are available here.

Poster of the Committee's activities. 

An infographic of the Committee's grants & activities is available here.


The Committee assesses applications for grants to support Postgraduate Conferences (Scheme 8)Celebrating New Appointments (Scheme 9)Travel Grants for Early Career ResearchersUndergraduate Research BursariesCecil King Travel ScholarshipsEarly Career FellowshipsLMS Undergraduate Summer SchoolLMS Research Schools, and LMS Research Schools on Knowledge Exchange.

LMS Student Representative Activities Fund

The LMS Student Representative Support Fund aims to strengthen the connection between the London Mathematical Society and mathematics students, encouraging them to become LMS members. Funding is provided for student-led social events. Grants of £300 per event are available, enabling student representatives to organise various gatherings that could include coffee mornings, drinks receptions or other informal gatherings.

These social events create a welcoming environment where mathematics students can:

  • Learn more about the LMS: Information about LMS membership benefits which includes access to journals, conferences, networking opportunities, career resources, funding opportunities and upcoming LMS events can be shared informally. This approachable format makes it easier for students to engage with the LMS.
  • Network with peers: These events offer valuable opportunities for students to connect with like-minded individuals, build friendships, and foster a sense of community. Networking can lead to collaborations, mentorship opportunities, and a stronger sense of belonging within the mathematical community.

Applications should be submitted by the LMS Student Representative and counter signed by the LMS Representative.

Apply for LMS Student Representative Activities Fund by 15 June 2025.  Your event must be held no late then 1 July 2025 and funding  must be claimed after your event no later then 15 July 2025. 

LMS Interdisciplinary Collaboration Grant

This grant program supports universities in hosting joint lectures and events that connect mathematics with other disciplines. Examples include lectures or workshops exploring the intersection of mathematics with, for example, medicine, or mathematics and engineering.

As this is a new grant program, the criteria are designed to be flexible to assess demand. Grants of £400 per event are available, with a total fund of £4,000, supporting up to 10 events. Eligible events must be held in the United Kingdom. Only one grant, per Scheme, per person, per LMS financial year (August 1, 2024 - July 31, 2025), is permitted. Grant applications must be submitted by the LMS Representative.

Apply for LMS Interdisciplinary Collaboration Grant by 15 June 2025.  Your event must be held no late then 1 July 2025 and funding can be claimed in advance but no later then 15 July 2025. 


The Committee oversees the programme for the LMS Early Career Researcher Continuing Professional Development sessions.

Annual application deadlines

 Grant Scheme(s)  Deadline date   Decision Date
 14 January  March 
 1 February  April/May
 22 February  March
 22 February   June
15 October  December
 15 November  January



The names, institutions and research interests of current committee members are listed below:

  1. Jelena Grbić (Chair; Southampton), Topology, Homotopy theory, Combinatorics and Algebraic Geometry.
  2. Shabnam Beheshti (QMUL) Geometric Analysis, Mathematical Relativity, PDEs,
  3. Elaine Crooks (Swansea),
  4. Thomas Kempton (Manchester), Dynamical Systems, Ergodic Theory and Fractal Geometry.
  5. Ana Lecuona (CDWM-ECR Liaison; Glasgow), Low-dimensional Topology, Knot Theory, Contact and Symplectic Geometry.
  6. Dan Loughran (Bath), Number Theory and Algebraic Geometry.
  7. Benedikt Löwe (Cambridge); Mathematical Logic and Foundations of Mathematics.
  8. Mariya Ptashnyk (Herriot-Watt),
  9. Ian Short (Climate Working Group Rep; Open University) continued fractions, dynamical systems, hyperbolic geometry. 
  10. Bismark Singh (Southampton), Optimization, Mathematical Programming, Data Analytics, Decision Making under Uncertainty, and Stochastic Optimization.

Dates of Meetings

The Committee meets three times a year: March, June and November/December.