Professor Mary McAlinden
Education Secretary
Deputy Dean and Professor, School of Science and Technology, Nottingham Trent University
PhD: University of Belfast, 1992.
Previous appointments: 1992-1993 Teaching and Research Assistant, University of Western Brittany; 1993-1997, Research Fellow, Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge; 1997-1999, Senior Lecturer Staffordshire University; 1999-2015 Senior Lecturer/Principal Lecturer Oxford Brookes University; 2011-2014 Discipline Lead for Mathematics, Statistics and Operational Research, Higher Education Academy; 2015-2020 Head of Department/Deputy Head of School/Professor, University of Greenwich.
Research interests: Mathematics in Higher Education.
LMS service: Member, Invited Speaker LMS Education Days .
Additional information: Chair of Heads of Departments of Mathematical Sciences (HoDoMS) (2020-present); Secretary of HoDoMS (2015-2020); Member of the Office for Students TEF Natural Sciences Panel (2018-2019); Member of the Royal Society Advisory Committee on Mathematics Education (ACME) (2014-2018); Member of the QAA Subject Benchmark Review/Advisory Groups (2014-2015, 2022-2023 respectively); Fellow of the IMA (FIMA); Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (PFHEA).
Personal statement: Having worked across the higher education mathematics sector in roles such as Chair of HoDoMS, a Mathematical Sciences expert on the Office for Students TEF Natural Sciences Panel, and as Discipline Lead for Mathematics, Statistics and Operational Research at the Higher Education Academy, I have acquired an in-depth understanding of the richness and diversity of educational provision within the mathematics discipline across the UK. I have worked collaboratively with many mathematical organisations and institutions across the UK, including those focussing on the delivery of the subject at pre-university level. I have a particular interest in the transition into university and have led project work in this area, including while I was at the Higher Education Academy. I have also served as a member of the Royal Society’s Advisory Committee on Mathematics Education. As a Deputy Dean leading on teaching and learning and the student experience, I have an up-to-date knowledge and understanding of the current education landscape, both within mathematics and more widely. I understand well the current and emerging opportunities and challenges that the sector is facing.
As a member of the LMS for many years, a recipient of an LMS Education Grant, and having attended LMS events both as a participant and an invited speaker, I have seen the enormous value of the work that the Society makes to the mathematics community in many spheres. If elected, I would be honoured to serve as Education Secretary and contribute to continuing the development of the Society’s valuable and wide-ranging portfolio of education activity.