Professor Minhyong Kim

Professor Minhyong Kim

International Secretary

Director of the International Centre for Mathematical Sciences; Whittaker Professor of Mathematical Sciences, Maxwell Institute; Christopher Zeeman Professor of Algebra, Geometry, and Public Understanding of Mathematics, University of Warwick; Distinguished Professor, Korea Institute for Advanced Study


PhD: Yale University, 1990.

Research interests: Arithmetic Geometry, Topology, Mathematical Physics.

LMS service: Member-at-Large of Council (2020-24), Michael Atiyah Fellowship Committee (2021-), Managing Editor, Bulletin of the LMS, Editorial Board of LMS publications (2013-14), Editorial Board of Mathematika (2008-17), LMS representative on ICMS Board (2014-19).

Additional information: As general service to the profession, I have been an organiser for numerous workshops and conferences, including a 5-month programme at the Newton Institute (2009), a Durham Symposium (2011), an AMS Summer Institute (2015), the Asian-French Summer School on Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory (2006), and several years of the Arizona Winter School on Arithmetic Geometry. I have also been on the organising committee for the ICM 2014. I am a fellow of the AMS and have been on the Scientific Committee of the Korean Mathematical Society (2011-2016). I am a co-editor-in-chief (with Katrin Wendland) for the Springer Monographs in Mathematics. I am or have been on various selection and evaluation committees for various institutions, including Isaac Newton Institute, the Royal Society, the American Mathematical Society, the US National Science Foundation, and the Institute for Basic Sciences of Korea, a government-led consortium of 31 research spanning all areas of science..

Personal statement: I believe the time is right for the LMS to make a big push to internationalise its influence as well as its service to the mathematical community. Together with the American Mathematical Society, the LMS is already the most global among the mathematical societies in the world in terms of its visibility and its publications. With the creation of the National Academy to represent mathematics within the nation, the LMS has the capacity to broaden its outlook and forge a truly global commitment to the betterment of humanity via the mathematical sciences. I am eager to devote substantial energy towards this goal. One of the motivations for wanting this role is to utilise connections that result from the current Mathematics for Humanity project of the ICMS. Amid the duties that may come with this role, the specific details of which will be fleshed out in consultation with the LMS Membership, I would like to facilitate the involvement of the LMS, EMS, ICMS, INI and other UK institutions in international networks that span developed and developing countries, consisting of mathematicians who wish to work towards common goals of excellence in mathematical research, education, and service to humanity.