Global Affairs

The Global Affairs Committee (GAC) advises Council on matters relating to the Society's Global Activities. This includes the delivery of the LMS strategy in relation to global engagement and considers opportunities for the delivery of these ambitions. In 2025, the GAC will promote the LMS though a series of global focused events.

LMS Global Meetings 2025

UK/Africa Partnerships, Edinburgh and online, 14 May, 2025 
The seminar will update attendees about UK participation in grant schemes and exchanges, centres of excellence in Africa and ideas on how to maximise the benefits from UK/Africa mathematics partnerships. 

Interface of Computer Science and MathematicsHanoi, Vietnam, 27 - 29 August 2025
The LMS, in partnership with Vietnam Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics (VIASM). 

Dynamical Systems and Geometry broadly construedMumbai, India, 10 - 14 November 2025
The LMS, in partnership with Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR).

Global Affairs Committee is chaired by International Secretary Minhyong Kim (ICMS).  Other committee members are Elaine Crooks (Swansea), Jens Marklof (Bristol) Frank Neumann (Pavia) and Gregory Sankaran (Bath).

 The GAC can be contacted via


Interaction with international mathematical bodies
The London Mathematical Society is the UK adhering body to the International Mathematical Union, and always plays a full role in the General Assembly of the IMU and in the International Mathematical Congresses.

The LMS nominates the UK representative for the IMU’s International Commission on Mathematical Instruction.

For the IMU’s Commission on Development and Exchange, the Society makes an annual contribution to support mathematicians from developing countries participating in IMU activities.

The Society is also a member of European Mathematical Society, actively participating in its work, and of the International Council on Industrial Applied Mathematics.

Reciprocity agreements
Members of certain overseas mathematical societies who are not normally resident in the United Kingdom may become members of the LMS under the terms of various Reciprocity Agreements. Subscription for Reciprocity Membership is fixed at 50% of the cost of Ordinary membership. Further information.