Dr David Barnes

Dr David Barnes

General Secretary

Senior Lecturer, Queen's University Belfast

Homepage: https://pure.qub.ac.uk/en/persons/david-barnes

PhD: University of Sheffield, 2008

Previous appointments: 2008-2009 Postdoctoral Fellow, Max Planck Institute for Mathematics. 2009-2010 Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Western Ontario. 2010-2013 EPSRC Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Sheffield. 2013-2019 Lecturer, Queen’s University Belfast.

Research interests: Algebraic topology, equivariant homotopy theory, homotopical algebra.

LMS service: General Secretary from November 2024.

Additional information: At Queen’s University Belfast, I have been Head of the Mathematical Sciences Research Centre since 2021 and have previously acted as REF Champion for Mathematics.

Personal statement: Having made use of the LMS’s funding schemes myself and seen how they are used by mathematics staff at Queen’s University Belfast in my role as Head of Centre, I know how vital these sources of funding are to mathematical researchers. This is particularly true in smaller mathematic departments and those further away from the centre of the UK.

I have long been interested in becoming more involved with the LMS and am excited to have an opportunity to serve the mathematical community. I am particularly interested to see how the LMS will connect with the forthcoming Academy for the Mathematical Sciences and develop a stronger voice supporting mathematical research in the UK..