History of Mathematics for Mathematical Leadership 

De Morgan House, London and online via Zoom
Start date
Meeting Date
Jeremy Gray (University of Warwick), Deborah Kent (University of St Andrews), June Barrow-Green (The Open University), Ursula Martin (University of Oxford) plus more

History of mathematics for mathematical leadership

As part of the Isaac Newton Institute programme ‘Modern History of Mathematics’, the London Mathematical Society is hosting a satellite event on ‘History of Mathematics for Mathematical Leadership’ on Monday 14 April 2025 at De Morgan House, with support from the British Society for the History of Mathematics.

This one-day meeting will bring together stakeholders in the mathematical community (Heads of Department, Directors of Research, representatives of Learned Societies and Funding Bodies); organisations using history of mathematics in high-level public engagement such as broadcasters and museum; and leading international mathematical historians of mathematics. The meeting will showcase the role, contribution, and potential of modern history of mathematics in mathematical research, teaching, public outreach and impact.

To ensure a broad representation from the community, we are initially sending targeted emails to all of the mathematics departments, learned societies and other mathematical institutions. If you have not received a personal email, but would like to attend, please fill in the registration form and you will be contacted once we open registration more widely.

Programme (all timings in BST)



Registration, Tea and Coffee


Welcome and introductions


Jeremy Gray (University of Warwick; The Open University)

'Why history of mathematics matters'


Clemency Montelle (University of Canterbury), Jesper Lützen (University of Copenhagen), Niccolo' Guicciardini (Università degli Studi di Milano)

'Current research in mathematical history of mathematics'

13:00 LUNCH

Deborah Kent (University of St Andrews)

'Life in the discipline: what a mathematical historian of mathematics can do for your department'


June Barrow-Green (The Open University)

'The use and importance of mathematical archives'


Ursula Martin (University of Oxford, University of Edinburgh)

'Mathematics, museums, and the REF'


Noel-Ann Bradshaw

'History of mathematics, the curriculum and QAA subject benchmarks'

15:15 BREAK

“The role of history of mathematics in mathematics today'

Sarah Hart
Minhyong Kim (ICMS)
Sara Lombardo (Heriot-Watt University)
+ 1 TBC

The panel will be chaired by Cathy Hobbs (Heilbronn Institute)

17:00 Reception

Full list of speakers, titles and abstracts can be viewed here.

Please note that speakers and timings are subject to change.


The building currently has stepped access only to the raised ground floor and lower ground floor entrances

An accessible toilet is located at lower ground floor level.

Please see the LMS website for further details on accessibility
