Dr Tony Gardiner 1947–2024

It is with great sadness that the LMS has learned that Dr Tony Gardiner passed away suddenly on 22 January. Tony was closely involved with the LMS for many years, including as a member of Council beginning in the 1990s, and particularly with the LMS Education Committee.

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Cecil King Travel Scholarships 2025

Deadline: 15 November 2024, 23:59 (GMT)

The London Mathematical Society administers two £6,000 travel awards funded by the Cecil King Memorial Foundation for early career mathematicians, to support a period of study or research abroad, typically for a period of three months. One Scholarship will be awarded to a mathematician in any area of mathematics and one to a mathematician whose research is applied in a discipline other than mathematics.

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LMS Early Career Fellowships 2024-25

Application deadline: 14 January 2025 23:59 (GMT)

Applications are now invited for the 2024-25 round of LMS Early Career Fellowships. These fellowships are intended to support early career mathematicians in the transition between PhD and a postdoctoral position.

The LMS offers up to 8 fellowships of between 3 and 6 months to mathematicians who have recently or will shortly receive their PhD. The award will be calculated at £1,552 per month plus a travel allowance.

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