Professor Simon Salamon

Professor Simon Salamon


Professor of Geometry, King's College London


DPhil: University of Oxford, 1980

Previous appointments: Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Maryland, 1979-81; Postdoctoral fellow, SNS Pisa, 1981-83; Member, IAS Princeton, 1983-84; Lecturer and Reader, University of Oxford, 1984-2001; Reader, Imperial College London, 2003-04; Professore ordinario, Politecnico di Torino, 2000-11.

Research interests: Differential geometry, complex and quaternionic manifolds, twistor theory, Einstein metrics, Lie groups and topology, computer graphics.

LMS service: Editorial Board of the LMS, 1995-98; Co-Managing Editor, Proceedings of the LMS, 1998-2000; Treasurer 2020-23.

Additional information: Advisory board, CIRM, Trento, 2008- ; Co-editor-in-chief, EMS Surveys, 2014-17; Head of Department, KCL, 2013-17; PI, Simons Collaboration on special holonomy in geometry, analysis, and physics, 2016-23.

Personal statement: The LMS is in a strong position to maintain its core activities, despite external economic pressures. I would continue to oversee sustainable investment policy, and the search for additional funding to enhance the Society’s activities. I look forward to a fruitful relationship with the future Academy of Mathematical Sciences, and I am keen to support Council in grasping new opportunities to promote mathematical research and collaboration nationally and internationally.