
Compositio Mathematica

Compositio Mathematica

Journal Facts

ISSN: 0010-437X
eISSN: 1570-5846

Publication model: Hybrid open access
Identity transparency: Single anonymised
Reviewer interacts with: Editor
Review information published: None

Mathematical Citation Quotient (MCQ): 1.74


Editorial Board

Managing Editors

Fabrizio Andreatta Università degli Studi di Milano "La Statale", Italy

David Holmes Universiteit Leiden, The Netherlands

Nick Sheridan University of Edinburgh, UK

Eric Vasserot IMJ-PRG, Bâtiment Sophie Germain, France


Founded in 1935, Compositio Mathematica publishes first-class research papers in pure mathematics.

All contributions are required to meet high standards of quality and originality and are carefully screened by experts in the field.

Not-for-profit publishing

Compositio Mathematica is owned by the Foundation Compositio Mathematica and published by the London Mathematical Society in partnership with Cambridge University Press.

The Foundation Compositio Mathematica and London Mathematical Society reinvest 100% of the funds generated by the journal into mathematics. This takes the form of research grants, conference grants, prizes, initiatives for early career researchers, and the promotion of mathematics.

Publishing your research in Compositio Mathematica directly supports the charitable work of the Foundation Compositio Mathematica and London Mathematical Society.

The Compositio Prize is awarded triennually in recognition of an outstanding piece of mathematical research that is published in the Compositio Mathematica journal.

Submitting to Compositio Mathematica

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Compositio Mathematica adheres to the Ethical Policy of the London Mathematical Society and is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). By submitting to Compositio Mathematica, authors acknowledge that they accept and will abide by the Ethical Policy.

The Foundation Compositio Mathematica supports the principle of open data and authors are encouraged to make research data and computer code available in all cases where these are relevant to a research article.

All articles published in this journal are peer reviewed. Editors may reject papers without external review.

Open Access

Compositio Mathematica is a hybrid open access journal. By default, articles in the journal will be published on a subscription basis and only be accessible to journal subscribers. The journal has options for gold and green open access publication.

Before submitting to Compositio Mathematica, authors should check any open access requirements from their institution or funder.

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