
Compositio Mathematica


Founded in 1935, Compositio Mathematica publishes first-class research papers in pure mathematics. All contributions are required to meet high standards of quality and originality and are carefully screened by experts in the field. The Journal has an international editorial board reflected in the journal content. 

Compositio Mathematica is owned and published by non-profit organisations (the Foundation Compositio Mathematica and the London Mathematical Society) that use any surplus income from the journal to sponsor mathematics and mathematical research. The Compositio Prize is awarded triennually in recognition of an outstanding piece of mathematical research that is published in the Compositio Mathematica journal.

Submissions can be made via the online form.

Read Composito Mathematica articles on the Cambridge Core site. Online access is free for all papers published 5 years ago or more.

Papers published before 1997 are available from the NUMDAM website.