Funding for Hosts of LMS Events

Below is a list of annual events hosted by an external institution for which the LMS provides funding.

Universities may bid to host these activities - see the relevant webpage for details. Opportunities to bid for funding will also be advertised on our homepage.  

Undergraduate Summer Schools

The Undergraduate Summer School is a two-week course which aims to introduce modern mathematics to the best UK undergraduates who will enter their final year the following autumn, and encourage them to think about an academic career in maths.

LMS Research Schools

The Research Schools provide training for research students in all contemporary areas of mathematics. Students and post-docs from both the UK and abroad can meet a number of leading international experts in the topic as well as other early career researchers working in related areas.

LMS Research Schools on Knowledge Exchange

The Research Schools on Knowledge Exchange are designed to provide training in Knowledge Exchange between mathematical research and users of mathematics. The Research Schools provide training for research students and post-docs in Knowledge Exchange and in the underpinning mathematics. 

Mathematical Symposia

The Mathematical Symposia are an established and recognised series of international research meetings that provide an excellent opportunity to explore an area of research in depth, to learn of new developments, and to instigate links between different branches.