Sir Christopher Zeeman Archive
Title | Author(s) | Credits | Publication date |
A clock and wavefront model for the control of repeated structures during animal morphogenesis |
J. Cooke and E. C. Zeeman | J. Theoretical Biology 58:455-476 (1976) | May 1976 |
A Model for Institutional Disturbances |
Br. J. Maths. & Stats. Psychology 29:66-80 (1976) | C. S. Hall and P. J. Harrison and G. H. Marriage and P. H. Shapland and E. C. Zeeman | May 1976 |
Catastrophe theory: Draft for a Scientific American article |
E. C. Zeeman | in Catastrophe theory: Selected papers 1972--1977, 1-64, Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., Reading, Mass.-London-Amsterdam, 1977 | January 1977 |
A catastrophe model for the stability of ships |
E. C. Zeeman | in Geometry and topology, 775-827, Lecture Notes in Math. 597, Springer-Verlag, 1977. | January 1977 |
A model for prison disturbances |
C. S. Hall and P. J. Harrison and G. H. Marriage and P. H. Shapland and E. C. Zeeman | Brit. J. Criminology 17:251-263 (1977) | July 1977 |
A catastrophe theory of anorexia nervosa |
E. C. Zeeman | Hunger Models, 407-422, Academic Press, 1978 | January 1978 |
Dialogue between a Biologist and a Mathematician |
E. C. Zeeman | Biosciences Communications (1978), 4, 225-240. | January 1978 |
Christmas Lecture 1: Linking and Knotting |
Originally broadcast by the BBC (1978) | December 1978 | |
Christmas Lecture 4: Games and Evolution |
Originally broadcast by the BBC (1978) | December 1978 | |
Christmas Lecture 2: Numbers and Geometry |
Originally broadcast by the BBC (1978) | December 1978 | |
Christmas Lecture 5: Waves and Music |
Originally broadcast by the BBC (1978) | December 1978 | |
Christmas Lecture 3: Infinity and Perspective |
Originally broadcast by the BBC (1978) | December 1978 | |
Christmas Lecture 6: Catastrophe and Psychology |
Originally broadcast by the BBC (1978) | December 1978 | |
Catastrophe models in administration |
E. C. Zeeman | in Meeting the Challenges of the Eighties: Redirection of Resources for Renewal, Ed. P. J. Staskey, Assoc. Inst. Res. Proc. 3:9-24 (1980) | January 1980 |
Population dynamics from game theory |
E. C. Zeeman | Global theory of dynamical systems (Proc. Internat. Conf., Northwestern Univ., Evanston, Ill., 1979, Eds. Z. Nitecki and R. C. Robinson), 471--497, Lecture Notes in Math. 819, Springer-Verlag, 1980 | January 1980 |
A Lagrangian Klein bottle |
J. Hayden and E. C. Zeeman | Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 89(2):193-200 (1981) | March 1981 |
Dynamics of the evolution of animal conflicts |
E. C. Zeeman | J. Theoret. Biol. 89(2):249-270 (1981) | March 1981 |
The analysis of some discontinuous decision processes |
J. Q. Smith and P. J. Harrison and E. C. Zeeman | European J. Oper. Res. 7:30-43 (1981) | May 1981 |
Decision making and evolution |
E. C. Zeeman | in Theory and explanation in archæology, Eds. C. Renfrew, M. J. Rowlands and B. A. Segraves, 315-346, Academic Press, 1982. | January 1982 |
Bifurcation, catastrophe, and turbulence |
E. C. Zeeman | in New directions in applied mathematics (Eds. P. J. Hilton and J. S. Young, Cleveland, 1980), 109-153, Springer-Verlag, 1982 | January 1982 |