J. F. P. Hudson and E. C. Zeeman |
Proc. London Math. Soc. (3) 21:513-524, 1970. |
November 1970 |
E. C. Zeeman |
Proceedings of the Symposium on Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems Lecture Notes in Mathematics Volume 206, 1971, pp 2-6 |
January 1971 |
E. C. Zeeman |
in Towards a Theoretical Biology 4, Ed. C.H. Waddington, 275-282, Edinburgh Univ. Press 4, 1972. |
January 1972 |
E. C. Zeeman |
Warwick Preprint, from report to Science Research Council on 1968-71 programme of differential equations at Warwick (1972) |
May 1972 |
E. C. Zeeman |
Warwick Preprint (1973) |
October 1973 |
E. C. Zeeman |
Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications 10:272-281 (1974) |
January 1974 |
E. C. Zeeman |
Some mathematical questions in biology, VI (Proc. Eighth Sympos., Mathematical Biology, San Francisco, 1974), 69-161, Lectures on Math. in the Life Sciences, 7, Amer. Math. Soc., 1974. |
January 1974 |
E. C. Zeeman |
J. Math. Econom. 1:39-49 (1974) |
March 1974 |
E. C. Zeeman |
Manifolds-Tokyo 1973 (Proc. Internat. Conf., Tokyo, 1973), 11-23. Univ. Tokyo Press, 1975. |
January 1975 |
E. C. Zeeman |
Structural stability, the theory of catastrophes and applications in the sciences (Proceedings of the Conference held at Battelle Seattle Research Center, April 21-25, 1975. Edited by P. Hilton.) 373-395, Lecture Notes in Math. 525, Springer-Verlag, 1976 |
January 1976 |
E. C. Zeeman |
Symposium on Excitement in Mathematics (Cambridge, 1975), Bull. Inst. Math. Appl. 12:207-214 (1976) |
January 1976 |
D. J. A. Trotman and E. C. Zeeman |
Structural stability, the theory of catastrophes and applications in the sciences (Proceedings of the Conference held at Battelle Seattle Research Center, April 21-25, 1975. Edited by P. Hilton.) 263-327, Lecture Notes in Math. 525, Springer-Verlag, 1976 |
January 1976 |
C. A. Isnard and E. C. Zeeman |
in The use of models in the social sciences, Ed. L. Collins, 44-100, Tavistock Press, London, 1976 |
January 1976 |
E. C. Zeeman |
Structural stability, the theory of catastrophes and applications in the sciences, 396--401, Lecture Notes in Math., Vol. 525, Springer, Berlin, 1976 |
January 1976 |
E. C. Zeeman |
Proc. Roy. Inst. Gt. Brit. 49:77-92 (1976) |
January 1976 |
E. C. Zeeman |
Structural stability, the theory of catastrophes and applications in the sciences (Proceedings of the Conference held at Battelle Seattle Research Center, April 21-25, 1975. Edited by P. Hilton.) 367-372, Lecture Notes in Math. 525, Springer-Verlag, 1976 |
January 1976 |
E. C. Zeeman |
Structural stability, the theory of catastrophes and applications in the sciences (Proceedings of the Conference held at Battelle Seattle Research Center, April 21-25, 1975. Edited by P. Hilton.) 328-366, Lecture Notes in Math. 525, Springer-Verlag, 1976 |
January 1976 |
E. C. Zeeman |
Structural stability, the theory of catastrophes and applications in the sciences (Proceedings of the Conference held at Battelle Seattle Research Center, April 21-25, 1975. Edited by P. Hilton.) 402-406, Lecture Notes in Math. 525, Springer-Verlag, 1976 |
January 1976 |
E. C. Zeeman |
Scientific American, 4, 1976, 65-83 |
April 1976 |
Br. J. Maths. & Stats. Psychology 29:66-80 (1976) |
C. S. Hall and P. J. Harrison and G. H. Marriage and P. H. Shapland and E. C. Zeeman |
May 1976 |