Supporting the mathematics community

Following the Brexit vote, the LMS would like to express its support and solidarity with the 31% of the UK mathematical academic community from other EU states. We would like to reassure our EU friends and colleagues, wherever they are based, that we are keen to maintain our close mathematical and professional relationships with the rest of Europe, however the Brexit process proceeds.

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Claire Voisin awarded CNRS Gold Medal

The London Mathematical Society (LMS) congratulates Honorary Member Claire Voisin, Professor at Collège de France, Paris, on her award of the 2016 CNRS Gold Medal; France’s highest scientific distinction. Professor Voisin is a specialist in the field of algebraic geometry. Since it was created in 1954, the CNRS Gold Medal is awarded annually to scientific figures who have made an exceptional contribution to ‘the innovation and influence of French research’. Professor Voisin is only the fourth woman, and first female mathematician, to receive the honour.

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Mathematics remains top A-level subject

Mathematics continues to be the top A-level subject in spite of a decrease in the number of A-level Mathematics entries across the UK. While the number of students sitting the exam is down by 0.6% on last year to 92,163, the percentage of the total A-level cohort represented by mathematics has risen slightly from 10.9% to 11%.

Figures released today by the Joint Council for Qualifications also show that A-level Further Mathematics has continued to rise in popularity, with entries increasing by 1.8% (to 15,257).

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EMS Prize Winners Announced

The London Mathematical Society (LMS) extends its congratulations to the winners of this year's European Mathematical Society (EMS) Prizes, which have been announced at 7ECM in Berlin. The Society would particularly like to congratulate the winners from the UK, Dr James Maynard (University of Oxford), Dr Peter Varjú (University of Cambridge) and the Otto Neugebauer Prize winner, Professor Jeremy Gray (Open University). More information is available here

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LMS Prize Winners 2016

The 2016 LMS Prize winners were announced at the Society Meeting on Friday 8 July 2016. The LMS extends its congratulations to this year’s prize winners and for their continued contributions to mathematics .  


A DE MORGAN MEDAL is awarded to PROFESSOR SIR TIMOTHY GOWERS FRS of the UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE for his seminal contributions to functional analysis, additive number theory and combinatorics, as well as for his numerous activities on the national and international mathematical stages.


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Council for the Mathematical Sciences EU Referendum Statement

Following the results of the UK Referendum on membership of the EU, the Council for the Mathematical Sciences (CMS) takes the following view:

·         The focus will remain on collaboration in the mathematical sciences as currently exists.

·         All academic/research/professional mathematical societies will continue to work with their counterparts in other countries as closely and respectfully as possible, regardless of the political arrangements in place. 

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LMS President Designate

The London Mathematical Society is pleased to announce Caroline Series FRS, Emeritus Professor, University of Warwick, as President-Designate. Professor Series will take over from the current President, Professor Simon Tavaré, FRS, FMedSci, in November 2017. Professor Series is known for her leading contributions to hyperbolic geometry and dynamical systems, and for her many contributions to the mathematical community.

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