The Transactions of the London Mathematical Society is the gold open access journal of the London Mathematical Society.
Publishing high quality articles across the full range of mathematics, the Transactions of the London Mathematical Society has an emphasis on excellent exposition of research which explores the interconnectedness of pure mathematics or extends the boundaries of its applicability.
Articles are published under a Creative Commons licence. The final, typeset Version of Record of each published article is freely available to everyone to read and reuse immediately upon publication, provided the terms of the licence are met.
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The Transactions of the London Mathematical Society is wholly owned and managed by the London Mathematical Society as one of its charitable activities.
100% of the funds generated by the Society’s publications are reinvested in mathematics, supporting mathematicians and mathematics research in the form of research grants, conference grants, prizes, initiatives for early career researchers, and the promotion of mathematics.
Publishing your research in the Transactions of the London Mathematical Society directly supports the charitable work of the Society.
Submitting to the Transactions
Before submitting an article to the Transactions of the London Mathematical Society, we recommend that authors read the submission guidelines for the Transactions.
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Open Access
The Transactions of the London Mathematical Society is a fully gold open access journal.
For all articles published in the Transactions of the London Mathematical Society, the Article Version of Record is freely available to access immediately upon publication. Article re-use rights are governed by the author’s chosen Creative Commons licence.
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See our open access page for more information.
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