
Submit to Mathematika

This page contains information on how to submit an article to Mathematika.

For information about the peer review process, see the peer review policy; or find out what happens to an article after it is accepted.


Mathematika publishes high-quality articles in pure and applied mathematics. It has a comprehensive scope with traditional strengths in combinatorics, geometry, analysis and number theory.

When evaluating papers, the Editorial Board considers a number of criteria such as novelty, innovation, significance, and advancement of the field of research. 

Article length

Papers submitted to this journal can be of any length.

LMS Ethical Policy for journals

Mathematika follows the London Mathematical Society's Ethical Policy for journals, which includes guidance on the expected behaviour of authors, reviewers, and editors.

By submitting to Mathematika, authors are confirming that they accept and will abide by the Ethical Policy.

Preprints or theses

Mathematika will consider papers that have been deposited in preprint or manuscript form on servers such as the arXiv ( or included as part of a thesis which has not been formally published.

The author must be able to sign a Licence to Publish grant University College London the rights to publish the paper (see Articles accepted by Mathematika).

Submitting a new paper

Online submission system

Mathematika uses an online system, EditFlow, to manage submissions and peer review.

Submit your article using our online submission system


Authors should submit their paper electronically as a single PDF file.

Authors must keep the .tex file that precisely corresponds to the PDF version that they submit. If the paper is accepted, we will require that particular version of the .tex file. Please do not send the .tex file at this time.

Code or data

In accordance with the London Mathematical Society's Data Access Policy, any code or data which is necessary to fully evaluate the basis for a paper’s results must either be:

  • Deposited in a repository prior to submission
  • Submitted with the research article

More information can be found in the Data Access Policy and the LMS policy on Computer Aided Proofs.

Choosing an editor

Once an author has decided to submit their paper to Mathematika, they should identify which member of the Editorial Board they would like to handle it.

A full list of the editors and their field of expertise can be found on the journal’s homepage. Authors should choose the editor whose mathematical interests are closest to that of the paper. If you are not sure, please select Managing Editor Professor William Chen, who may assign your paper to the most suitable editor on your behalf.

Please note that the Editorial Board may re-assign submissions to another editor when appropriate, for example where an editor has a conflict of interest.

Cover Letters and Notes to Editor

On the submission form, there are two optional fields: ‘Cover Letter’ and ‘Notes to Editor’.

Cover letters will be visible to both editors and any potential reviewers, and should provide a brief context for the paper, explaining its subject and relevance to the field of mathematics. Any messages or explanatory notes which authors do not wish to be viewed by potential reviewers should be included in the ‘Notes for Editor’ field, which will only be seen by editors.

Authors who wish to include a cover letter or notes to the editor are asked to please be respectful when including any directions or comments regarding peers within the mathematical community, and to explicitly state any relationships which may create a conflict of interest.

Author list

Authors should be listed in alphabetical order by surname. For more information on authorship, refer to the Ethical Policy.


Corresponding Authors are asked to provide their ORCID iD as part of the submission process.

Authors without an ORCID iD can register for one using the ORCID website. Registering for an ORCID iD takes only a few minutes, however we recommend that Authors take the time to complete their ORCID record with their publication history.

Completing the online submission form

The Corresponding Author will be asked to provide the following information:

  • The PDF file
  • Number of authors
  • Full names and email addresses of all authors
  • Title of the paper
  • MSC subject codes
  • Chosen Editor to handle the paper
  • Confirmation that an abstract is included in the article

Privacy Policy

When submitting a paper, authors must agree to allow the LMS to store and process their personal data and will have been informed of the LMS’s data protection policy.

Under UK law, the LMS is required to explain how an author’s personal data stored on its system will be subsequently used. This information can be found in the submission portal privacy policy.

After submission

The Corresponding Author will receive a confirmation email that includes a link to a manuscript tracking page. This page includes a record of all correspondence, submission files and the paper’s current status. This page can also be used by authors to withdraw the current submission if necessary. If you do not receive this link, please contact and cite your paper ID.

The submission will be passed to the journal editors for consideration. Read our full peer review policy.

Revised versions

During the peer review process, the editors may ask the author to revise their paper.

The email asking for a revised version will contain a link to submit the revision. Authors should not submit a revision as a new article. If you cannot find the link, then contact

Once an author submits a paper, they should not upload a new version of the same paper before a decision on the first version is sent, particularly if the changes are minor.

If an author receives a letter that firmly rejects their paper and does not mention that a resubmission would be considered, the journal will not consider this submission further.

Contact the journal team

If you have any queries about the information in this guide, please contact and cite your paper ID.

Authors should take care to keep a copy of all emails sent to any editors, managing editors and LMS publications staff for their own records.