LMS/Gresham Lecture 2025 - with Robin Wilson

Barnard's Inn Hall, London and online
Start date
Meeting Date
Profesor Robin Wilson (The Open University)

The LMS/Gresham Lecture is an annual event held in collaboration with Gresham College.

Gresham College in London has been presenting mathematics lectures to the public since 1598, when Henry Briggs (co-inventor of logarithms) was appointed the first Gresham Professor of Geometry. Later holders of that Chair have included Isaac Barrow, Robert Hooke, and more recently Sir Christopher Zeeman, Ian Stewart and Sir Roger Penrose. The current position now covers all areas of mathematics, not just geometry.

In 2007, the Society and Gresham College established a yearly joint lecture with the Society providing the speakers while Gresham provides the attractive venue and covers the costs of the lecture and a reception. These events are usually held in May.

This year's speaker is Robin Wilson, Emeritus Gresham Professor of Geometry, Emeritus Professor of Pure Mathematics at the Open University.

You can watch previous LMS/Gresham Lectures here.

Programme (all times in BST):


Robin Wilson (The Open University)

'Sum Stories: Equations and their Origins'

How long is the coastline of Britain? What is a rhombicuboctahedron? Which US president proved Pythagoras’s theorem?

These and many other intriguing questions are addressed in this lecture on renowned mathematical equations and their history. The selected equations span various areas of mathematics and cover a timeline of 4000 years, from early geometry to fractal art.

Please note that speakers and timings are subject to change.


For details on accessibility, please visit the venue's website here.

If you have further accessibility questions not answered at the above link, please contact hall-booking@gresham.ac.uk.


To register, please click here.

This event is free of charge and open to all ages, whether LMS/Gresham College members or not.

Grants of up to £200 are available to parents and carers who wish to attend this event and require help towards caring costs. Please see the Caring Supplementary Grants page on the LMS website. Please submit your application no later than 15:00 on Thursday 29 May. For any questions on Caring Grants, please contact womenanddiversity@lms.ac.uk.

For all other queries, please contact education@lms.ac.uk.