LMS Society Meeting: Mary Cartwright Lecture 2024

Online via Zoom
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Bethany Marsh (University of Leeds)

LMS Society Meeting: Mary Cartwright Lecture 2024

The LMS is delighted to announce the 2024 Mary Cartwright Lecture will be given by Bethany Marsh (University of Leeds).

The Mary Cartwright Lecture is an annual lecture organised by the Committee for Women and Diversity in Mathematics and forms part of the annual programme of Society Meetings. The event was established by the LMS in 2000 and is named after Dame Mary Lucy Cartwright, the first female mathematician FRS, the first woman to receive the Sylvester Medal, the first woman to receive the LMS De Morgan Prize and the first female President of the LMS. The aim is to celebrate the achievements of distinguished women mathematicians; previous speakers include previous LMS Presidents Dame Frances Kirwan, Caroline Series, Ulrike Tillmann.

This is a free event and we welcome all who are interested to attend this event, with registration open both to LMS Members and to non-members.

Programme (all times GMT)


Opening of the meeting and Society Business


Sara Lombardo (LMS Committee for Women and Diversity in Mathematics Chair) will give some background on Mary Cartwright and introduce the first speaker.


Bethany Marsh (University of Leeds)

Presentations of reflection groups (with Francesca Fedele)
A reflection group is a group generated by reflections of Euclidean space. In 1934, Coxeter classified the finite reflection groups and showed that they have beautiful presentations, known as Coxeter presentations. More recently, cluster algebras, introduced by Fomin-Zelevinsky in 2001, have been used by several authors to construct new families of presentations of reflection groups and braid groups.
There is a natural generalisation of the notion of reflection to a finite-dimensional complex vector space, used to define the complex reflection groups. The irreducible finite complex reflection groups were classified by Shephard-Todd in 1954: there is an infinite family G(m,p,n), where m, p and n are positive integers and p divides m, together with 34 exceptional cases.
In these two talks, we will present new families of presentations of the complex reflection group G(d,d,n) and its corresponding braid group. We show that the braid group associated to the complex reflection group G(d,d,n) is an index d subgroup of the braid group of the orbifold quotient O(d) of a disk by a cyclic group of order d. We also associate a presentation of G(d,d,n) and its braid group to each (tagged) triangulation of O(d) in such a way that the presentation given by Broué-Malle-Rouquier corresponds to a special tagged triangulation.

16:00 END



This event is online only and will be streamed via Zoom.

Closed captions will be enabled on Zoom, and we will endeavour to upload this to our LMS YouTube channel as soon as possible after the event.

If you have any accessibility questions not covered by the above, please contact womenanddiversity@lms.ac.uk.


Please click here to register.

If you have any queries on any of the above, please contact womenanddiversity@lms.ac.uk