The London Mathematical Society has elected the following people to Honorary Membership of the Society in 2024:
Professor Sylvia Bozeman (Spelman College, USA)
Professor Gregory Margulis (Yale University, USA)
Professor Shigefumi Mori (Kyoto University, Japan)
Their brief citations read:
Professor Sylvia Bozeman has had a vast influence on the mathematical sciences through her tireless service to the community, and particularly to the cause of promoting equity and diversity by increasing the participation of women, and women from underrepresented groups, in the mathematical community. Read the full citation.
Professor Gregory Margulis has made revolutionary contributions to the theory of discrete subgroups of Lie groups, ergodic theory and dynamical systems, including applications to graph theory and Diophantine approximation. Read the full citation.
Professor Shigefumi Mori has made major advances in the field of algebraic geometry by developing the minimal model programme with insight that has opened up the understanding of higher-dimensional varieties from a completely new perspective. Read the full citation.