LMS Women in Mathematics Day

University of Reading
Start date
Meeting Date
Renee Hoekzema, Hua Lu, Celine Maistret, Almut Veraart


Register for this event here.

The hosts of the meeting are Jennifer Scott (Professor of Mathematics at University of Reading and Director at Reading, of the Mathematics of Planet Earth Centre for Doctoral Training); and Rachel Newton (Reader in Number Theory and Future Leaders Fellow, King’s College London).

This celebration of Women in Mathematics event is sponsored by the LMS and the EPSRC Mathematics of Planet Earth Centre for Doctoral Training.

This is a hybrid event (in person and online) with all contributed talks and posters in person. There is no registration fee and refreshments and lunch will be provided free of charge.

Although celebrating Women in Mathematics, everyone is welcome to attend (including undergraduate students) and the talks will be aimed at those with an interest in mathematics.

The call for abstracts from early career mathematicians who would like to give a talk or poster is now open and will close on midnight 24 April. To apply, complete the relevant section during registration and include an abstract of approximately one paragraph. Small travel bursaries will be available to those in need of support; to apply, complete the relevant section in registration.