List of Online Graduate Lecture Series (supported by Scheme 3 grants)

Background: One of the common concerns raised by LMS members and other mathematicians relates to the observation that the beginning of the 2020/21 academic year may have found new PhD students working remotely. The Society was also acutely aware that many mathematicians between PhD and research position or between research positions may be delayed in starting their next job. In 2019/20, the Society built on its Scheme 3 research networks and expertise to enhance the education of beginning postgraduate students and to support early career researchers. The Society invited its Scheme 3 networks to facilitate a short series of five or six lectures in their subject area to be delivered  to a live on-line audience and to be recorded for future use. Links to these lectures can be found below. 

Current Scheme: Following the success of the online lecture series, the Society offers grants to support the production of these lectures. 

Scheme 3 Online Lecture Groups and Lectures

 Scheme 3 Online Lecture Groups  Link to Lectures
 Brussels-London Geometry Research Network

Brussels-London Geometry Research Network

 North British Functional Seminars

North British Functional Analysis Seminars (NBFAS)

 Probability in the North-East

Probability in the North East 2020 (PiNE)

 Functor Categories for Groups; ARTIN; BLOC Available soon
 The Harmonic Analysis and PDE Research Network in the UK

The Harmonic Analysis and PDE Research Network in the UK

 North British Geometric Group Theory Seminar North British Geometric Group Theory Seminar
 Bristol-Cambridge-London-Oxford-Manchester-Warwick   Additive Bristol-Cambridge-London-Oxford-Manchester-Warwick   Additive
 Groups and Geometry in the South East

Groups and Geometry in the South East

 Ergodic Theory Ergodic Theory
 Applied Algebraic Topology

Applied Algebraic Topology

 Cambridge-Oxford-Warwick Homotopy and Manifolds

Cambridge-Oxford-Warwick Homotopy and Manifolds

 Holomorphic Dynamics  Holomorphic Dynamics
 Algebraic Quantum Field Theory in the UK Algebraic Quantum Field Theory in the UK 
 North British Mathematical Physics Seminar

North British Mathematical Physics Seminar

 Classical and Quantum Integrability   Classical and Quantum Integrability 
 NBSAN (North British Semigroups and Applications Network)  NBSAN (North British Semigroups and Applications Network)
 Yorkshire Durham Geometry Days  Yorkshire Durham Geometry Days


 South East Mathematical Physics Seminars South East Mathematical Physics Seminars
 Transpennine Topology Triangle Transpennine Topology Triangle
 ROW Diophantine Geometry Seminar, ERLASS Arithmetic Statistics Seminar, Northern Number Theory Seminar