Inclusion and Diversity Fund

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The Inclusion and Diversity Fund, managed by the Committee for Women and Diversity in Mathematics (CWDM), aims to support events that promote EDI in mathematics, broadly speaking. The focus of these events may be on any aspect of diversity, including but not limited to race, ethnicity, gender, trans identity, sexual orientation, sex, age, religion or religious belief, neurodiversity, socioeconomic status, disabilities, and background. The fund is supported by the Heilbronn Institute for Mathematical Research.

Making the application

Applications should be made using the form below and sent as a PDF attachment to

Applicants may request any amount of funding up to a maximum of £1,000.

Only one award can be made per applicant in a particular financial year (1 August to 31 July).

Events and activities funded under this grant scheme must take place in the UK.

The deadline for submitting applications is 20 April 2025 (23:59 BST).

All queries on applications should be directed to

Types of events that may be supported

Some examples of events that may be funded under this scheme are:

  • Events which champion the work of people in the mathematical sciences (whether in industry or academia) who come from a particular diversity group, and/or which offer mentoring and networking opportunities to mathematicians from that diversity group (e.g. Women and Non-Binary People in Mathematics Days, Diversity in Mathematics Days, etc.).
  • Events which inspire and encourage young people from diverse backgrounds to continue with mathematics (e.g. Girls in Mathematics Days).
  • Events focused on transforming systems and policies to enhance diversity in mathematics.

The event may be aimed at any level, from school-age to postgraduate and upwards.

Careful consideration should be given to any speakers and/or panellists at the event; there should be strong representation among speakers and/or panellists from the diversity group around which the event is focused.

When appropriate, organisers are encouraged to include speakers/panellists from industry or third sector, or users of mathematics, if possible.

Organisers must ensure a positive environment at the event that that allows for all to fully participate in, engage with, and access the meeting in a safe and welcoming way. See the LMS Code of Conduct on Creating a Positive Environment at Events.

Organisers must ensure that the event is environmentally sustainable. See the LMS Environmental Policy Statement.

Advertising the event

The event will be advertised by the LMS via monthly e-bulletins to LMS members and LMS representatives in UK universities; via mailing lists to which the LMS is subscribed; and on LMS social media. Details of the event will be posted to the LMS calendar at To ensure your event is advertised, please send details to

The event may also be advertised in the LMS Newsletter, which is published in February, May, September and December. See details on how to submit an event notice to the Newsletter at

In addition to the above, organisers should ensure that their event is advertised as widely as possible via other channels.


After the event, the organiser must provide a formal report (to giving details on the event and information on how the funding was used. The report form will be sent to the recipient along with the grant offer.

Organisers are encouraged to submit a report on the event to the LMS Newsletter, along with photos. Details on how to submit a report can be found at
