Atiyah UK-Lebanon Fellowships

Background Objectives Current Atiyah Fellows
Guidelines for applicants from the UK Guidelines for applicants from Lebanon How to Apply
Deadlines Application forms Report form


Atiyah UK-Lebanon Fellowships


This scheme has been set up in memory of Sir Michael Atiyah (1929-2019). Sir Michael’s father was Lebanese and he retained strong links with Lebanon throughout his life. 

The scheme is operated in partnership with the Centre for Advanced Mathematical Sciences at the American University of Beirut. CAMS was founded in 1999 through the efforts of an international group of scientists with the primary goal of becoming the premier centre of excellence for research in the mathematical sciences in the Middle East, and itself owes much to the dedicated efforts of Sir Michael who was a frequent visitor. 


To provide for an established UK-based mathematician to visit Lebanon as an Atiyah Fellow for a period of between one week up to 6 months, or alternatively for a mathematician from Lebanon of advanced graduate level or above, to visit the UK to further their study or research for a period of up to 12 months.

Part 1.  For mathematicians from the UK visiting the Lebanon.


  • At the time of application, the Fellow must either hold a post at a UK University or otherwise demonstrate strong links to the UK. 
  • The award will normally be held at CAMS where resources may be provided to direct the thematic semester-long activities around the expertise of the Fellow and his or her colleagues. It is expected that during their tenure the awardee will deliver lectures and/or an advanced course or courses either at AUB or other universities in Lebanon, and will engage and interact with members of the Lebanese mathematical community, in particular with advanced students. Visits should be at least one week in duration; Fellows are encouraged if circumstances allow them to be in residence for at least three and up to six months. It is desirable that the period should include an entire semester, that is, either September - mid-December or February – May. Applications involving several short visits over a period of up to two years may also be considered. During the course of their tenure, the Fellow should deliver talks at least one of the other institutions with mathematical interests in the country: in addition to AUB, these are the Lebanese University, St Joseph University, Notre Dame University, the Lebanese American University and the Beirut Arab University.
  •  Applicants wishing to discuss their plans for their visit to Lebanon in advance may contact Professor Jihad Touma, Director of CAMS, at or the CAMS officer Ms. Hiba Hammoud,
  • Successful candidates will be expected to make their own travel arrangements.  CAMS will be happy to assist Fellows with their visa application.
  • Criteria:  The criterion for the award will be mathematical excellence and willingness and ability to communicate and interact with mathematicians in the host institution. Preference may be given to candidates whose mathematical interests are aligned with those of faculty at the host institution and/or where the most productive interactions are envisaged. 

Value of award:

  • The LMS will pay up to £2,000 towards actual expenses for travel and related expenses and will pay accommodation and subsistence up to £2,200 per month from an allocated maximum of £6,600.
  • In addition, CAMS may help with accommodation and provision of office space and logistical support. This will be independent of the host institution.
  • There is the possibility of additional subsistence/payment for agreed teaching. 
  • Consideration may be given for additional support to Fellows travelling with a family.

Part 2.  For a mathematician from Lebanon visiting the UK.


  • Applicant must demonstrate a strong connection with Lebanon: either through long-term residence or on the basis of having completed study for a degree in that country.
  • The scheme provides funds for a mathematician to visit the UK as an Atiyah Fellow for purposes of study or research for a period of up to 12 months. Applicants must be at least on the level of advanced MSc/PhD students in Mathematics or Mathematical Physics. Applications from mathematicians of a more advanced level to pursue research or collaborations in the UK are also welcome. The application must be supported by a host academic institution in the UK which will be expected to provide normal office and computing facilities.  Bench fees are not payable.
  • Successful candidates will be expected to organise their own travel and visa arrangements. The LMS will supply an official letter which may be used for visa application on request, however, it can take no responsibility for obtaining visa permission for the candidate to enter the UK for these purposes.
  • Criteria: The criterion for the award will be mathematical promise and preparation and/or the perceived benefits to the applicant of a period of study or research in the UK and also the strength of their present and past ties with Lebanon. Applicants who have been outside Lebanon for some time may be encouraged to visit CAMS during their tenure.

Value of award:  

The LMS will pay up to £2,000 towards expenses for travel and related expenses and will pay accommodation and subsistence up to a maximum of £2,200 per month from an allocated maximum of £6,600.

Successful candidates will be required to submit their receipts for travel tickets as evidence of travel.   

There is a possibility for Fellows from Lebanon to apply for further funding from the International Centre for Mathematical Sciences in Edinburgh. Please visit for more information.  

Additional support from CAMS may be available for PhD or MSc candidates in either mathematics or mathematical physics. A successful candidate will be expected to contact Jihad Touma at the CAMS about possibilities. (Note: This is not intended as a bursary that covers a substantial portion of the cost of a studentship.).

Current Atiyah UK-Lebanon Fellows

Professor Ahmad Sabra (American University of Beirut) was awarded the Atiyah Fellowship (2020-21) and visited the University of Sussex from 9 June - 9 August 2022.  

Professor Maciej Dunajski (Cambridge) was awarded the Atiyah Fellowship (2021-22) and visited CAMS in the academic year 2021-22.

Dr Rémi Mokdad Mokdad (University of Burgundy, France) was awarded the Atiyah Fellowship (2022-23) and is visiting Queen Mary, University of London for several months in 2022-23. He also expects to visit CAMS in Beirut during his tenure.

Prof Georges Habib (Lebanese University) was awarded the Atiyah Fellowship (2023-24) and will visit the University of Durham during the period from July to September 2024.

Prof Julia Wolf (University of Cambridge) was awarded the Atiyah Fellowship (2023-24) to support two visits in March/April and September 2024 to the Centre for Advanced Mathematics at the American University of Beirut.

How to apply:

Candidates are asked to provide along with their application:

  • a completed application form (see PDF examples below)
  • a cover letter explaining their plans and how their visit will fit the above criteria (maximum two A4 pages).
  • a CV (maximum four A4 pages).
  • list of any publications and pre-prints

Additionally for candidates coming from Lebanon to the UK:

  • at least two letters of reference and in addition a letter of support from an academic host at the institution where the proposed Fellowship will be held, together with a brief statement of support from its Head of Department. These letters should be emailed by referees directly to the LMS ( by the closing date.

On completion of their tenure, successful Atiyah Fellows will be required to submit a short report on their activities during their stay.

Deadlines and decision timetable:

Applications for Fellowships to be held in the academic year 2025-26 will open on 1 September 2024.

Applications are due by 31 January 2025.  The successful candidate will be notified in April 2025. 

Contact:  Valeriya Kolesnykova, Membership & Fellowship Assistant. Email:

Chair of the Fellowship Panel:  Professor Minhyong Kim (ICMS)

Atiyah Fellowship Panel: Professor Joseph Ayoub (U.Zurich) Professor Fida el Chami (Lebanese University), Professor Anne Davis (Cambridge), Professor Minhyong Kim (ICMS) (Chair), Professor Bassam Shayya (AUB), and Professor Jihad Touma (AUB).

Application forms:

Please complete the online application forms by the annual deadline of 31 January.

Report form: