LMS Graduate Student Meeting
Current Programme
09.30 Coffee and Registration,
10.00 Professor David Smith (Birmingham) Reactions, Diffusion and Reaction-Diffusion
11.00 Coffee/Tea
11.15 Graduate student talks
We would like to invite graduate students to give short talks (15 minutes) aimed at a general mathematical audience. Prizes will be awarded for the best talk (by popular vote). If you would like to give a talk, please email Anthony Byrne (lms.meetings@lms.ac.uk) with your title and a short abstract (up to 6 slots are available).
12.45 Lunch
13.25 Award prizes
13.30 Close of Graduate Student Meeting
The Society's Annual General Meeting and Naylor Lecture, a Society meeting open to all, will follow the Graduate Student Meeting, from 3.00pm to 6.00pm.
Manuel del Pino (Bath)
Singularity Formation and Bubbling in Nonlinear Diffusions.
Naylor Lecturer 2018:
John R. King (Nottingham)
Blow-Up Phenomena in Reaction Diffusion.
Place are free and all refreshments including lunch will be provided.
Funding for Travel and Accommodation
For students who attend both the Graduate Student Meeting and the LMS Annual General Meeting, the Society is happy to offer funding of:
- Up to £50 towards travel costs
- Up to £50 towards accommodation costs (for those travelling long distances)
Places are free and tea/coffee and lunch will be provided (please do let us know if you have any food allergies/dietary requirements).
LMS Annual Dinner: The Annual Dinner held at 7.30 pm (Montague on the Gardens Hotel). Tickets for the Society Dinner are £58.00 per person (payable in advance by cheque to "London Mathematical Society". Please send cheques to LMS Society Dinner, c/o India SivyerLMS, De Morgan House, 57-58 Russell Square, London, WC1B 4HS). To sign up for the Annual Dinner, please email India Sivyer by 26 October 2018. If you have any special requirements (e.g. dietary, access), please let John know when registering.
Tavistock Square
London, WC1H 9JP
United Kingdom