LMS Graduate Student Meeting; 30 June 2017
London Mathematical Society Graduate Student Meeting
This meeting is intended as an introduction to the Society Meeting later in the day. All graduate students (and indeed any other mathematicians) will be very welcome.
10.00 Coffee and Registration,
10.30 Dan Nicks (Nottingham)
Julia sets in higher dimensions
11.30 Coffee/Tea
11.45 Graduate student talks
We would like to invite graduate students to give short talks (15 minutes) aimed at a general mathematical audience. Prizes will be awarded for the best two talks. If you would like to give a talk, please email Anthony Byrne (lmsmeetings@lms.ac.uk) with your title and a short abstract.
13.15 Lunch
13.55 Award prizes
14.00 Jean-Marc Vanden Broecke (UCL)
Applications of complex variable techniques to nonlinear free surface flows
15.00 Close of Graduate Student Meeting
The graduate event will be followed by an LMS Society Meeting starting at 15.30, which is open to all. The LMS Society Meeting will include the annoucement of the LMS Prize-winners 2017 and the Election of the LMS Honorary Members for 2017. There will also be talks by
- Sheehan Olver (Imperial) The Sokhotski–Plemelj theorem, singular integrals, and solving PDEs
- Gwyneth Stallard (Open University) Complex analysis and complex dynamics: fruitful interaction
Funding for Travel and Accommodation: For students who attend both the Graduate Student Meeting and the LMS General Meeting, the Society offers funding of up to £50 towards travel costs, and funding of up to £50 towards accommodation costs (for those travelling long distances).
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London, WC1H 9JP
United Kingdom