The Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society has been publishing leading research across a broad range of mathematics since 1969.
The Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society focuses on the publication of concise articles reporting a significant advance in mathematical knowledge, or which are deemed to stimulate new interest and research activity. The articles have a maximum length of 20 pages.
In addition to primary research articles, the Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society also publishes authoritative survey articles (of any length) and obituaries.
The Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society shares an Editorial Board with the Journal of the London Mathematical Society. The Journal of the London Mathematical Society publishes longer research articles (18 pages and above). Both journals employ the same high standard of peer review.
Not-for-profit publishing
The Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society is wholly owned and managed by the London Mathematical Society as one of its charitable activities.
100% of the funds generated by the Society’s publications are reinvested in mathematics, supporting mathematicians and mathematics research in the form of research grants, conference grants, prizes, initiatives for early career researchers, and the promotion of mathematics.
Publishing your research in the Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society directly supports the charitable work of the Society.
Submitting to the Bulletin
Before submitting an article to the Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, we recommend that authors read the submission guidelines for the Bulletin.
All articles published in this journal are peer reviewed. Editors may reject papers without external review. Read our full peer review policy.
If a paper is accepted for publication in the Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, it will be sent to the publisher for typesetting. Find out more about what happens to an article after it is accepted.
Survey articles
The Bulletin has published authoritative survey articles since its launch in 1969. Since January 2020 most survey articles have been published open access subject to the authors' agreement.
The London Mathematical Society acknowledges support from a legacy by Frank Gerrish in the publication of expository articles and survey articles where institutional funds are not available.
The Managing Editors of the Bulletin welcome submissions of survey articles via the Bulletin EditFlow site selecting "Survey Article" as the special category.
The intention is that each survey article should be an in-depth, authoritative overview of the state of the subject, of interest to newcomers as well as experts and, ideally, one that would become a standard reference. Such survey articles may contain full proofs, pieces of original research or unorthodox points of view on known results, and can be of any length.
A collection of recent survey articles (2010 – present) is hosted on Wiley Online Library.
Open Access
The Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society is a hybrid open access journal. By default, articles in the journal will be published on a subscription basis and only be accessible to journal subscribers. The journal has options for gold and green open access publication.
Before submitting to the Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, authors should check any open access requirements from their institution or funder.
If you are required to publish on an open access basis but you cannot identify a compliant route with Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, please contact the journal team before submitting.
See our open access page for more information.
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- Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society
- Journal of the London Mathematical Society
- Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society
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The LMS will then notify Wiley, who will issue members with a username and password to log in to the Wiley Online Library.
For any queries about submitting to the journal, articles under review, the peer review process or the submission system, contact the LMS team: lmsjournals@lms.ac.uk
Accepted articles
For accepted articles which have not been passed to the publisher for production, contact the LMS team: production@lms.ac.uk
For accepted articles which have been passed to Wiley for production, contact the Wiley team: blms@wiley.com
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