Open Access policy
The Foundation Compositio Mathematica supports the transition to Open Access. The Foundation is committed to helping all authors of accepted papers to publish in compliance with their Funder requirements.
Green Open Access
The journal Compositio Mathematica accepts submissions available on open archives or preprint repositories and allows authors to put their accepted manuscript immediately on arXiv or similar non-commercial preprint servers or an institutional repository as well as on the authors’ personal or institutional web page, without any embargo. The accepted manuscript is the version that incorporates all revisions due to peer review or editorial comment, but before the article has been copyedited and typeset by the publisher. We ask authors to add a DOI link on the preprint server or the repository of the author’s institution that links from the preprint version to the published version of the paper in the journal Compositio Mathematica.
It is not permitted to deposit the final, typeset version of the paper with the logo of the journal into a repository unless the authors have opted for gold open access.
Your funding agency may require that the accepted manuscript be available on arXiv (or similar preprint server) with a specific license. For example:
If your research-funding body is a signatory of Plan S (see list here) or otherwise so explicitly requires, then you may deposit your accepted manuscript on arXiv or a similar non-commercial preprint server or repository with a CC-BY license.
In other circumstances we suggest that you use either a CC-BY-NC-ND license or a non-exclusive license when depositing your accepted manuscript on a preprint server such as arXiv or your institution’s repository.
Gold Open Access
Author and User Licences
If published under the gold open access model, the paper will be distributed under the terms of either
- the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC-BY)
or - the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial License (CC-BY-NC), which excludes commercial use.
Users of articles published under open access will be entitled to use, reproduce, disseminate, or display these articles provided that:
- the original authorship is properly and fully attributed;
- the journal and publisher are attributed as the original place of publication with correct citation details given;
- if an original work is subsequently reproduced or disseminated not in its entirety but only in part or as a derivative work this is clearly indicated;
- no articles published with the CC-BY-NC licence are reproduced for commercial purposes without the prior consent of the London Mathematical Society (LMS) and payment to LMS of any appropriate fee.
Users have unrestricted rights to re-use open access content for educational and research purposes.